During this month, we’ve realized our MAMEC Course “Madres Autónomas: Medidas y Estrategias para Conciliar vida familiar y laboral” (Autonomous Mothers: Measures and Strategies for balancing family and work) in Madrid. The participants have been ten mothers who wanted to undertake their own business while they are at home taking care of their children.


We have covered all kinds of topics necessary to start your own business such us Events Organization, Drafs and Party Decorations, Bussiness Plan, Internet and Social Media, Fiscal issues and Digital Marketing. 


For these sessions, we have had professional participants on these issues who have come to give classes to the women and they asked a lot of questions to them.


In addition, we are very happy because our participants have been very collaborative and they have intervened constantly contributing ideas and their knowledge. In our last session, each mother presented her business plan about the company they wanted to start and, at the end, they gave us some biscuits taht they cooked specially for us. We had a great time and we will miss them!


We’re looking forward to our sessions in Madrid next May where we will meet together with the MAMEC participants of the other partners countries: Italy, Greece and Croatia.