Cultural Activities for Children

Culture is one of the fundamental pillars on which MAD For Europe is based, betting on cultural learning as an enriching essence of human beings. 


Within the cultural area of ​​MAD For Europe, we offer different activities adapted to all ages.


So in the case of the youngest, we have different visits to the city of Madrid, where, told as a story, they learn about the rich history of the capital of Spain and get to know its most emblematic monuments.


Within the visits, we have more than ten different tours, from medieval Madrid, Madrid de los Austrias, Madrid Literario, Madrid de Carlos III, mysterious Madrid, Legends of Madrid, Madrid of the 19th century …


We make visits to museums, being the Prado Museum, Thyssen Museum, Archaeological Museum and Reina Sofia Museum, the most requested, in them, we make different themed tours, adapted for children. 


We organize cultural games for children, very enriching and fun, so we have two different gymkhanas, one for the Retiro Park, and another for the Madrid de los Austrias, where children through tracks all related to history and culture, You must find a treasure. We have craft workshops, where the little ones can have fun learning. 


MAD For Europe has a great experience and versatility in activities for children related to culture, always betting on a quality education adapted to the 21st century.

Final Video KA2 MAMEC Spain

Where We Are

Calle Carranza 25, 5. Office 4
28004 Madrid, Spain

Phone : (+34) 91 041 38 84

About MAD for Europe